Saturday, August 30, 2008

Rethinking Prothink raises many questions reguarding the direction has gone in their quest for truth.
Here is the article which in my opinion makes some very insiteful observations.
Ognir and Daryl Smith Retain Loyalties to MK-SATAN'S MILITIA


Anonymous said...

"The anti-Semites will become our most loyal friends, the anti-Semite nations will become our allies." (The Diary of Theodor Herzl)

Anonymous said...

We just gotta keep the info going and do our own thing. We'll see what happens.

Khanverse said...

While Hmura has my respect for his historical work, saying I was complicit in all these militia and hate all jews nonsense is pushing it.

I had little to no access for 2 months and came back to a shitstorm which I never subsequently endorsed. In the name of not bringing unnecessary drama I reliquished support of the stupidity that previous "associates" had plunged into and hoped that it would all go away. It didn't so I denounced it and refuted the illogical ideas upon which the two made their arguments.

We are all wiser from this.

Peace & Blessings