Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Jewish Writers Claim Powerful Zionists Drove USA Into...War For Israel's Sake!

Jack Bernstein, Author, The Life of An American Jew in Racist Israel

Jack Bernstein, My Farewell to Israel The Thorn in the Mid East

(following prediction was made in 1984!)

"The Zionists who rule Israel and the Zionists in America have been trying to trick the U.S. into a Mideast war on the side of Israel. They almost succeeded when U.S. Marines were sent to Lebanon in 1982. The blood of the 250 American Marines who died in Lebanon is dripping from the hands of the Israeli and American Zionists.

If more Americans are not made aware of the truth about Zionist Israel, you can be sure that, sooner or later, those atheists who claim to be God's Chosen People will trick the U.S. into a Mideast war against the Arabs who in the past have always been America's best friends.

Jewish Writers Claim Powerful Zionists...more...

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