1) Ron Paul claims to be a defender of the US Constitution. Like all other members of Congress, he has sworn to uphold and defend it against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC.
If he is so concerned about the Constitution, why is he not following its mandate to impeach members of the Executive Branch who override the Constitutionally mandated separation of powers? Is it because he is a Hypocrite?
Reasons to Move to Impeach
• A movement to Impeach historically helped to speed the end of the Vietnamese War.
• A movement to Impeach could force compliance of subpoenas, on issues such as 911.
• A movement to Impeach could temper saber rattling against Iran.
2) Ron Paul has done exactly, nothing, to address the well documented 'Election Fraud' during our ongoing primary election. Does he think he can click his heels 3 times in November and the whole issue will be non-existent and he'll wake up in the White House.
• As One Angry Vet put it,
"Its not for you RON PAUL to choose which battles you will fight. Many peoples blood is on our hands and we should not sit and choose which battles we will participate in. We have to go to the sound of the guns and fight them when ever we see their corruption. They laid down the gauntlet by fraud of the election system and said. Yes we stole it and what the hell are you going to do about it?"
Here is the Kicker, and for me without a doubt the deciding factor.
3) Ron Paul says he believes the 'Official Story' regarding 911. Though he has repeatedly said the investigations were "inept" he is still willing to accept their conclusions. On top of that he is writing legislation which specifically targets Bin Laden and Islamic Nations.
• The Marque and Reprisal Act of 2007 (HR 3216)This makes the 'Surgical Strike' option available to the President in our mission to capture Bin Laden. Two things to note hear 1. The language 'Surgical Strike', this same phrase has been used by Israel for decades to justify indiscriminate bombing of civilians. 2. This same language has also been used by US forces in our Genocidal Assault on Iraq. Given that the death toll in Iraq is quickly approaching 1.5 civilian deaths, I would hate to have seen one of Dr Paul's childbirths, you could probably expect the poor mother to loose one of her legs if an apeasiotomy were necessary.
• Terror Immigration Elimination Act (HR 3217) Here Ron Paul also states he wants to toughen up on Visa standards for countries on the State Department's list of terrorist sponsoring countries. As an example RP uses Saudi Arabia and the "knowledge"?, based on "inept" investigations, that 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.
This is a blatant attack on Islamic nations based on False information from "inept" investigations.
One other interesting point is that during one of the Presidential debates RP states that by cutting off aid to Israels enemies, Israel stands to gain because Israel's enemies receive 3X that of Israel. This is a complete distortion since Israel receives 1/3 of all the US foreign aid given. To even come close to this being true you would have to consider every country which receives foreign aid from the US to be one of Israels enemies. And right they should be!
Conclusion: Ron Paul is a racist, a 'Zionist Shill' and a Hypocrite.
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