Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Soon after these exchanges JFK was assassinated and with LBJ now in office things took a 180 degree turn. For instance JFK's '64 aid package to Israel of $40 billion, went to $71 billion in '65 and then to $130 in '66. No inspections ever took place after that and of the $20+ billion dollars in Military aid Israel has received since 1948, 99% of it has come after JFK's assassination. This has completely changed the balance of the Middle East and the way Israel has had to deal with its neighbors.
Today Israel is said to be the world's 6th most powerful nuclear state. Yet Israel refuses to be part of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and remains ambiguous with regard to their possession. Through the years Israel has been caught several times in acts of espionage against the US, to gain intelligence and nuclear materials. The current court case which pends against AIPAC for selling US nuclear technology to China, is yet another stab in the back on Zionist Israels, supposed ally. Israelis list of dirty deeds is long and ongoing. They used their nuclear strength to Blackmail the US into invading Iraq during Gulf War I, and now they are using the same strategy to force the US into a preemptive strike on Iran. Unfortunately our very future hangs in the balance, as the Zionist infiltration of our government has been running ramped almost entirely unchecked since that fateful day in November 1963.
Sunday, February 24, 2008

1) Ron Paul claims to be a defender of the US Constitution. Like all other members of Congress, he has sworn to uphold and defend it against all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC.
If he is so concerned about the Constitution, why is he not following its mandate to impeach members of the Executive Branch who override the Constitutionally mandated separation of powers? Is it because he is a Hypocrite?
Reasons to Move to Impeach
• A movement to Impeach historically helped to speed the end of the Vietnamese War.
• A movement to Impeach could force compliance of subpoenas, on issues such as 911.
• A movement to Impeach could temper saber rattling against Iran.
2) Ron Paul has done exactly, nothing, to address the well documented 'Election Fraud' during our ongoing primary election. Does he think he can click his heels 3 times in November and the whole issue will be non-existent and he'll wake up in the White House.
• As One Angry Vet put it,
"Its not for you RON PAUL to choose which battles you will fight. Many peoples blood is on our hands and we should not sit and choose which battles we will participate in. We have to go to the sound of the guns and fight them when ever we see their corruption. They laid down the gauntlet by fraud of the election system and said. Yes we stole it and what the hell are you going to do about it?"
Here is the Kicker, and for me without a doubt the deciding factor.
3) Ron Paul says he believes the 'Official Story' regarding 911. Though he has repeatedly said the investigations were "inept" he is still willing to accept their conclusions. On top of that he is writing legislation which specifically targets Bin Laden and Islamic Nations.
• The Marque and Reprisal Act of 2007 (HR 3216)This makes the 'Surgical Strike' option available to the President in our mission to capture Bin Laden. Two things to note hear 1. The language 'Surgical Strike', this same phrase has been used by Israel for decades to justify indiscriminate bombing of civilians. 2. This same language has also been used by US forces in our Genocidal Assault on Iraq. Given that the death toll in Iraq is quickly approaching 1.5 civilian deaths, I would hate to have seen one of Dr Paul's childbirths, you could probably expect the poor mother to loose one of her legs if an apeasiotomy were necessary.
• Terror Immigration Elimination Act (HR 3217) Here Ron Paul also states he wants to toughen up on Visa standards for countries on the State Department's list of terrorist sponsoring countries. As an example RP uses Saudi Arabia and the "knowledge"?, based on "inept" investigations, that 15 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.
This is a blatant attack on Islamic nations based on False information from "inept" investigations.
One other interesting point is that during one of the Presidential debates RP states that by cutting off aid to Israels enemies, Israel stands to gain because Israel's enemies receive 3X that of Israel. This is a complete distortion since Israel receives 1/3 of all the US foreign aid given. To even come close to this being true you would have to consider every country which receives foreign aid from the US to be one of Israels enemies. And right they should be!
Conclusion: Ron Paul is a racist, a 'Zionist Shill' and a Hypocrite.
Saturday, February 23, 2008

'Kali Yuga' is desrcibed in Srimad Bhagavatam, a vedic text dating back some 5,000 years, as the "Age of Quarrel and Hipocracy". The Srimad Bhagavatam also states, "In Kali-yuga the heads of government will be plunderers and thieves. These thieves and plunderers take the money and property of the public by force or connivance" ~ SB 5.12.7 P.
At this time nowhere on earth is this prophecy become more prevalent than in the Middle East. It is apparent to all who look with an open mind that our war/occupation on the people of Iraq, has very little to do with promoting freedom and democracy, but is merely plundering and thievery by a corrupt group/cult known as Zionists. History shows that there has been relative peace in the Middle East for several centuries prior to the Zionist Movement. Muslims, Christians and Jews have been co-habitating amongst each other at least as well as they do here in the USA.
I'm not going to enter to much into the history of Zionism, in this article, as it can be found elsewhere on my blog through various links and posts. I do however want to make a few key points and touch on some of the hypocrisy being displayed by those responsible for this "Plundering and Thievery". I don't make any distinction between the leadership in Israel and the US, as it is obvious that their philosophy and agenda, are one in the same.
Many Zionists profess to be Jewish and have a historical claim on the land formerly known as Palestine, however this is a baseless claim and quite absurd at that. Could I go to the house I was raised in and kick the present tenants out, simply because my family and I once lived there, of course not. So to claim you are Jewish, following the laws of Moses, The Ten Commandments, and then by force kick the the current residents out, killing those who refuse to leave, as seen at Deir Yassin, is a clear violation of at LEAST 3 of those commandments.
Unless of course you are following a different set of laws. You'll often hear Jews say that their philosophy is based on "Talmudic interpretation". Well it would have to be because if you've ever delved into the Talmud, you would know, anyone following this doctrine should at the least be thrown in Jail. See for yourself. and a more in depth analysis, here. Why anyone would want to base a religion off of this racist crap, I can only imagine. Now back on track the reason I wanted to point you in that direction is to get an idea of what's coming our way. Let's go back to Bush regime 1, March 26, 1991 a date in which our US congress defined ethics as seen through the eyes of the Talmud, with the passing of HJR 104, Public Law 102-14: AKA the Noahide Laws. Here is a great article on the history and meaning of this event. I can only say "their getting medieval on our ass". Another Talmudic law of concern would be the "Law of Moser" which prohibits a Jew from informing on another Jew. With the LARGE number of US/Israeli dual citizens this could be of concern.
My personal view is that these crypto-Jews are not really Jews at all which is evident in their Zionist Philosophy. In Judaism they are best described as "Erev Rav" those that infiltrated the Jews after their exile from Egypt and coerced them into worship of the Golden Calf. Nowadays the Golden Calf is Israel.
Now Back to Israel, the supposed ally of the USA and our friend. Who spies on us, commits false flag operations on us and extorts huge sums of money from us in more ways than you can possibly imagine. Look around my Blog you'll come up with quite a few.
This is a very racist nation. You can not live in Israel unless you are Jewish or the spouse of a Jew. But of course that marriage has to take place somewhere other than Israel. The native Palestinians that are allowed to remain are subjugated and the Christians are harassed and jailed or fined for preaching the gospel. What kind of Holy land have these Zionists created? Many visiting Christians are spat on, and cursed at.
The point here is, these Zionists have turned the Holy Land UPSIDE-DOWN. The very nature of this cult is from the depths of hell. For instance the Slave trade is alive and well in Israel, as you can read in this link there are 280 Brothels(WHORE HOUSES) in Tel Aviv, more on that here. The best comparison of these Zionists in the 'Holy Land' is that of Wild West Cowboys. My last word on all of this for today can only be "HOLY SHIT".

Friday, February 22, 2008
It's to bad the callers aren't running this show.
And here is a look at the democratic free state of Israel, and their version of freedom of the press.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Here we are on the brink of WW III and total economic collapse with a bunch of crappy candidates giving us not much hope for the future. How did we let this happen? We took the bait, we trusted 'THEM'. Now we need to know who 'THEY' are and how they are pulling it off. The who has become pretty apparent to some but still elusive to most. But if you do the research you can easily be convinced that the 'THEY' are the 'ZIONISTS' and their means is deception. Cloaked in their Anti-Semite Shields, and owning most of the media, they have managed to infiltrate world government and economic institutions and extort huge sums of money for their self serving agenda. This appears to be world domination, although there seems to be some bazaar cult prophecy mixed in. The information one comes across while researching the subject is mind blowing. So here are some bullet points on the subject which are pertinent to our current situation.
• The US gives Billions of dollars to Israel each year, Israel in turn uses the money to lobby our politicians control our government, and extort even more money.
• Zionists make up a small part of US population, yet they make up a disproportionately large part of our government particularly in Defense and Intelligence. Here is a nice list of dual citizen US/Israeli citizens in key positions in Washington.
• There is an overwhelming amount of evidents linking Israel and wealthy Zionists to the attacks on 911
• Zionists continually spy on the US and pass sensitive and classified US intelligence to Israel, the Zionist State. AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) the most powerful lobby group in Washington, will be on trial in a couple of months, hopefully, for these exact charges.
also see The Real Aipac Spy Ring Story -- It Was All About Iran , here , and here.
• The Iraq occupation was a War for Israel.
• Israel is and has been looking to pull us into a war with Iran.
• The US gives Billions of dollars to Israel each year, Israel in turn uses the money to lobby our politicians control our government, and extort even more money.
• Zionists make up a small part of US population, yet they make up a disproportionately large part of our government particularly in Defense and Intelligence. Here is a nice list of dual citizen US/Israeli citizens in key positions in Washington.
• There is an overwhelming amount of evidents linking Israel and wealthy Zionists to the attacks on 911
• Zionists continually spy on the US and pass sensitive and classified US intelligence to Israel, the Zionist State. AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) the most powerful lobby group in Washington, will be on trial in a couple of months, hopefully, for these exact charges.
also see The Real Aipac Spy Ring Story -- It Was All About Iran , here , and here.
• The Iraq occupation was a War for Israel.
• Israel is and has been looking to pull us into a war with Iran.
Friday, February 15, 2008

I was born a poor black child. Not exactly, that may have worked for Steve Martin, and in retrospect I often feel like "The Jerk" but in reality I was born...more

I was born a poor black child. Not exactly, that may have worked for Steve Martin, and in retrospect I often feel like "The Jerk" but in reality I was born...more
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Berkeley, CA Gives Marine Corp the BOOT!
Last week, the City Council of Berkeley voted to oust Marine Corps recruiters from their downtown office, saying the Marines were "uninvited and unwelcome intruders."...more
Thursday, February 7, 2008
New 9/11 Truth Film Preview
Another Great Prothink Production
And the Conspiracy doesn't end there!
top secret info from the Pentagon handed over to Israeli's most powerful lobbying group AIPAC
And the Conspiracy doesn't end there!
top secret info from the Pentagon handed over to Israeli's most powerful lobbying group AIPAC
Friday, February 1, 2008
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