If you look around the internet at news from other countries, the only way to get anything that resembles truth in my opinion, you'll see that the world opinion of the US is at an all time low. We seem rather incompetent in the eyes of the rest of the world and it's no wonder we can't even hold a legitimate election, shining beacon of democracy that we are. Not to mention our violent nature as of WWII.
A couple of days ago a Japanese Senator, Fujita Yukihisa made a 30 minute presentation at the House of Councillors (equivalent to the U.S. Senate). Even suggesting arresting George Bush in connection with the 911, which took the live's of at least 24 Japanese nationals. You can see how nut-less we appear. After all GW has avoided not only the 911 subpoenas but also subpoenas for warrant-free eavesdropping on US citizens, consider how little we tolerated Nixon's antics, yes when it comes to the Bush Regime, Nut-Less. This is primarily due to one thing FEAR. Fear is healthy however when coupled with ignorance its dangerous. Its time for all of us to open our eyes wide, no time left the recession is here, our troops are overseas dying along with millions of others. Trillions of dollars have disappeared in the hands of these war criminals, on top of the trillions which have been wasted. How much more will we give them? How much more will we tolerate?
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