Saturday, November 29, 2008
CII and DBS Hosts The Somerville Divestment Project
~ The French Connection
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Vaisnava Perspective On Gold
Real gold drives out corruption and prostitution of money
excerpt from purport, Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.17.40
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
According to Srimad-Bhagavatam, gold encourages falsity, intoxication, prostitution, envy and enmity. Even a gold-standard exchange and currency is bad. Gold-standard currency is based on falsehood because the currency is not on a par with the reserved gold. The basic principle is falsity because currency notes are issued in value beyond that of the actual reserved gold. This artificial inflation of currency by the authorities encourages prostitution of the state economy. The price of commodities becomes artificially inflated because of bad money, or artificial currency notes. Bad money drives away good money. Instead of paper currency, actual gold coins should be used for exchange, and this will stop prostitution of gold. Gold ornaments for women may be allowed by control, not by quality, but by quantity. This will discourage lust, envy and enmity. When there is actual gold currency in the form of coins, the influence of gold in producing falsity, prostitution, etc., will automatically cease. There will be no need of an anticorruption ministry for another term of prostitution and falsity of purpose.
Settling For Worthless Money
excerpt from purport, Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.16.20-21
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

By the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the rivers on some planets produce gold on their banks. The poor inhabitants of this earth, because of their incomplete knowledge, are captivated by a so-called bhagavan who can produce a small quantity of gold. However, it is understood that in a higher planetary system in this material world, the mud on the banks of the Jambu-nadi mixes with jambu juice, reacts with the sunshine in the air, and automatically produces huge quantities of gold. Thus the men and women are decorated there by various golden ornaments, and they look very nice. Unfortunately, on earth there is such a scarcity of gold that the governments of the world try to keep it in reserve and issue paper currency. Because that currency is not backed up by gold, the paper they distribute as money is worthless, but nevertheless the people on earth are very proud of material advancement. In modern times, girls and ladies have ornaments made of plastic instead of gold, and plastic utensils are used instead of golden ones, yet people are very proud of their material wealth. Therefore the people of this age are described as mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah (SB 1.1.10: "misguided, unlucky and always disturbed"). In other words, they are extremely bad and slow to understand the opulence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They have been described as sumanda-matayah [misguided] because their conceptions are so crippled that they accept a bluffer who produces a little gold to be God. Because they have no gold in their possession, they are actually poverty-stricken, and therefore they are considered unfortunate.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
45th Anniversity of the JFK Assassination
The more you delve into the history of Zionism and Israel, not only does it get more disturbing but it also gets pretty horrifying as well. I think it's safe to say if you look up the word conspiracy in the dictionary you'll probably find an Israeli flag. John F Kennedy, one brave man in American history, one of the few willing to wage war on the Federal Reserve. But more importantly although perhaps one in the same, one of the few willing to stand up to Zionist Israel and their quest for domination of the Middle East and the world. It's been said before, and after the research I did today I will also say, if his life had not been cut short, 911 probably would not have happened. It's also been put forth although just like 911, you won't hear this from MSM, nor will your hear it from pseudo-truth seekers like Alex Jones, but most likely Israel's MOSSAD assassinated JFK. Of course at first this sounds kind of off the wall, so let's go back in history and see what's happening in 1963 prior to November 22. David Ben-Gurion, who ruled Israel from it's shady inception in 1948, was very eager for Israel to be a 'Nuclear Power'. He wrote in a letter to JFK, "Mr. President, my people have a right to exist, and this existence is in danger." In other words we don't need to be more neighborly to the people who's land we stole, we need to be more threatening so they won't come back. Anyway JFK would not cave in to the pressure from Ben-Gurion, or the already powerful Israeli Lobby. This led to a series of heated debates between the 2 leaders which were ignored by the press and have been classified documents ever since. Ben-Gurion resigned in June of '63, but JFK kept his hard line going with his successor Levi Eschkol, as seen in this letter, in which JFK makes it clear that he demands transparency on Israel's now public Nuclear Facility, by having inspectors verify the peaceful nature of Israel's nuclear program. The nature of this exchange is exactly like that of Bush wanting to inspect Iraq, and now Iran's nuclear programs. JFK made it clear that an unsatisfactory solution would jeopardize the US governments commitment to, and support of, Israel.
Today Israel is said to be the world's 6th most powerful nuclear state. Yet Israel refuses to be part of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and remains ambiguous with regard to their possession. Through the years Israel has been caught several times in acts of espionage against the US, to gain intelligence and nuclear materials. The current court case which pends against AIPAC for selling US nuclear technology to China, is yet another stab in the back on Zionist Israels, supposed ally. Israelis list of dirty deeds is long and ongoing. They used their nuclear strength to Blackmail the US into invading Iraq during Gulf War I, and now they are using the same strategy to force the US into a preemptive strike on Iran. Unfortunately our very future hangs in the balance, as the Zionist infiltration of our government has been running ramped almost entirely unchecked since that fateful day in November 1963.
Details Emerge on new World Trade Center Collapse Videos
A source connected to the previously unreleased footage of the collapse of WTC1 and WTC7 which suddenly appeared on internet video-sharing site last weekend has revealed details about the footage to The Corbett Report. more...
~Global Research
Monday, November 17, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Israeli Who Will Run the Obama White House

In the past 10 days, more than 17,000 people have read the following article about the Israeli Rahm Emanuel, Obama's new chief of staff, but only eight people have responded to my request for donations - two Australians, a Briton, a Canadian, and four Americans. Thus far, my article which reveals the high-level Zionists who control Obama has brought in $268 -- that means that I have gotten a positive response from less than 1/16 of 1 per cent of all readers. No wonder the Israeli who will control the White House is laughing; he must be pleased. He made $18 million in three years in "investment banking" -- after leaving the Clinton White House.
Emanuel, an Israeli who employs gangster tactics, will be the next chief of staff of the executive branch of the U.S. government. You will not get the information in my article from any other journalist. CNN and the other controlled media will not even broach the subject of Emanuel's Israeli roots. In order to understand what the Obama administration will mean for America and the world, however, it is essential to understand the immense Zionist power and money behind Obama. more...
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
"To Serve Man"
It's a cookbook!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Heart Experts Recommend a Vegetarian Diet
Many health experts including Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Josef Goldstein, heart specialists of U.S.A. & winners of Noble Prize of many million dollars for Medicine) now recommend a diet, free of eggs and meat, for better health and disease-free life. A.R. Bhatnagar (11-02-08)
I am referring to study in ) The Journal of Clinical Pathology (USA--July 2001) wherein it has been published that veggies have helthy hearts.Many health - experts (including Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Josef Goldstein, heart specialists of U.S.A. & winners of Noble Prize of many million dollars for Medicine) now recommend a diet, free of eggs and meat, for better health and disease-free life. The basis of their finding is:
a) All flesharian foods i.e. eggs, fowl, fish, meat etc. contain no dietary fiber at all and so they cause a numberless bowel diseases such as chronic constipation, piles, gall-bladder-stones, colon cancer, indigestion, ulcer, colitis, kidney -failure, diverticulosis etc. All these illnesses can be prevented easily by taking only vegetarian foods which are full of dietary fibers.
(b) The yolk of the egg contains 250 to 300 mgs cholesterol, a waxy fat, which deposits itself in the liver and hardens the arteries. The coronary arteries supplying blood to the heart are thus affected, causing fatal heart-attacks,strokes,gallstones,claudication,etc.
c) The egg-white contains "Avidin" poison causing leprosy, eczema, paralysis, skin inflammation, skin-cancer, allergy etc. Prof. Egnerberg of Germany has found that eggs produce 51.83% of phlegm (cough) and disturb the balance of nutritive elements within the body. He further discovered that besides Salmonella, the incidence of Listeria is also on the increase which causes flue resulting in Meningitis etc. It can lead to the possibility of abortion in expectant mothers and diseases to the foetus. A brain disease called Creutzfeldt Jacob's disease is similar to a disease in sheep called "scrapie". It has been known to pass into human beings from animals through the eating of eggs.
d) All types of meats / eggs contain saturated fatty acids which are dangerous to health, particularly for blood vessels. Eggs also lack in vitamin B complex, vitamin C, calcium and carbohydrate and produce hyperacidity. Initially, eggs were considered to be easily digestible on animal -experiments but these days recent experiments on human beings have proved that they are not easily digestible. On the one hand, eggs are hard to digest, while on the other hand, infants and young children have very tender digestive system. So eggs must not be given to toddlers & youngsters even by mistake! Dr. E.B. Emary of America and Dr. Inha of England have clearly admitted that eggs are poison for human beings.
The underdeveloped / developing countries 's scene is even worse. Experiments indicate that if eggs are left at more than 80c for more than 12 hours, the process of decay starts within their shells. Under the circumstances, where the temperature is always high, and it takes about 24 hours for the eggs to reach from poultry -farms to the sales counters, the process of contamination does already start as it is not possible to keep the eggs from their procurement to selling in refrigerators. During the process of decay, the watery component of the egg first begins to evaporate through the shell, then it is invaded by disease germs which penetrate the outer membranes of the egg and make it completely putrid. These minutely contaminated eggs are consumed due to their non-recognition resulting in stomach disorders, food-poisoning etc.
To guard against epidemics and poultry-- parasites, developing / un-developed poultry farmers make extensive use of D.D.T. and other such chemicals which in small measures enter the body of the birds and eggs. Generally an egg contains 15000 tiny breathing pores in its shell. The egg absorbs D.D.T. through its breathing pores. The people who eat such kind of eggs and chicken may also take D.D.T. inside them. Relation between D.D.T. poison and cancer is well established now-a-days. In this way, eggs may cause cancer -- a most fatal disease.
Secondly, to get more and more eggs from hens, poultry owners inject them with special kind of hormones (estrogen, progesterone etc). These hormones enter the eggs through their tiny breathing pores. The people, who eat such kind of eggs and chicken may also take these artificial hormones in them. According to the latest clinical research-studies, there is growing evidence that these hormones cause cancer to human beings. For the sake of good health, therefore, people should never eat eggs, chicken etc.
Yours faithfully,
additional articles on the human diet: