mauna-vrata-sruta-tapo-'dhyayana-sva-dharma- So Prahlada Maharaja, indirectly he is declining all these ten processes for liberation. Those who are actually interested in liberation, for them to control the senses these ten kinds of processes are recommended. The first thing is mauna, to remain silent. You'll find in India there are many saintly persons who do not speak, silent. So Prahlada Maharaja says it is for the ajitendriyanam. This process, mauna, to remain silent, is meant for persons who cannot control the senses. It is better not to talk than to talk foolish. In English also it is said like that, that "Better stop talking than talking foolish." So in the material world actually all the talks that we indulge in, they're all foolish talks. They have been described in the sastra as croaking of the toads. "Kakaka, kakaka, kakaka." What is the meaning? We have got the tongue to talk. We can engage the tongue for talking about Krishna. But those who cannot talk about Krsna but talks all nonsense, better stop them talkng. That is called mauna. Mauna means "You cannot talk nicely; better you stop talking." So that is a kind of vrata, vow. But our process is different: sa vai manah krsna-padaravindayor vacamsi vaikuntha-gunanuvarnane. We do not stop talking, but we talk for preaching Krsna consciousness. That is wanted. So there are many, you'll find, they take credit by not talking. Sometimes you go to them and ask some question, they'll write in pencil on the paper, "We will not talk." And what is the meaning of his silence? If you... If I put some questions and you write in paper, what is the difference between talking and writing? I am using the senses. For talking I am using the senses, tongue. Instead of using the sense, tongue, active senses, I am using my hand. So this is also sense gratification. The real fact is that you cannot stop the tongue working. Engage the tongue in Krsna consciousness. That is wanted. Don't talk material subject matters. In big, big meetings the politicians, the United Nation, they talking--but talking all nonsense, simply going there for passing resolution that "Now we have to do this. Then the world will change." No, it will never change. By such kind of foolish talking, it will never change. Better close this United Nation organization because it has not given any practical effect. But talking about Krsna, just see how it is giving practical effect. Here you are assembled here from Europe, America, and Africa, Canada, and practically all over the world, but you are united nation. You are united nation simply by talking Krsna. This is the remedy. And if you keep yourself as American, as Indian, as Canadian, as African, and go to the United Nation and talk for years and years, there will be no more United Nation. It will be... More flags will increase because this is nonsense talking. It is practical. The United Nation is talking for the last thirty, forty years? Pusta Krsna: Thirty years. Prabhupada: Thirty years. And where is unity of the nation? It is not possible. And here we are talking about Krsna, say, for seven, eight years. Just see the sample, how these young men are becoming united in Krsna consciousness. This is practical. more... |
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
The Real United Nations Organization (UNO)
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008

- like Israel has been ethnically cleansing the Palestinian people for 60 years
- like Israel continues to occupy, rob, humiliate and murder its neighbours
- like Israel is no Western-style democracy but an apartheid-loving ethnocracy
- like Israel has ignored nearly 40 UN resolutions, flouts international law and is oblivious to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- like eight Palestinians are killed for every Israeli, and the lives of Palestinian children are so cheap they are slaughtered at the rate of 11 to 1
- like Israel lies when it claims to have “withdrawn completely” from Gaza
- like Israel has nuclear weapons numbering hundreds and is the only state in the region not to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. more... ~ Desert Peace
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Anti-Zionism League makes Agreement with Daryl Smith to Expose Israeli-911. Nation-wide, OFFLINE Demos!

* Have a listen to Rick Adams Show (RBN, June 12, 08).
One of our AZLers calls in - 40 mins into show - for activists to take up demonstrations to expose Zionist 911, nation-wide. The AZL will support other, willing demonstrators with a second Hunger Strike to expose Zionist-911. The first AZL Hunger Strike was in Jan/Feb 2008. Activists are invited to notify us of their interest in this collaborative effort. more...*org
Monday, July 7, 2008
What Are The Vedas?

Letter to: Boston Inquirer
Dear Inquirer,
I thank you very much for your interest.
Since you would like to know more about the temple, the worshipers and the scriptures, I beg to inform you that this Krsna consciousness movement is based on the Vedic scriptures. Veda means knowledge, and there are two kinds of knowledge, one mundane and another transcendental. The Vedas are considered to be originally transcendental because they come from the platform which existed before the creation. This transcendental knowledge was impregnated in the heart of the first created living being, and then he distributed the knowledge both for material and spiritual purposes.
This Vedic knowledge was stated in the Atharva-veda. Later on, just at the beginning of this millennium, the Kali-yuga, Vyasadeva, who is the supreme authority on Vedic knowledge, considering the degraded condition of men in this age, divided the whole Veda into departmental knowledge, and some of his disciples were entrusted with the particular departments. In this way the entire Vedic knowledge was developed into four Vedas, then 108 Upanisads, 18 Puranas, and then summarized in Vedanta-sutra. And then again, to benefit the less intelligent class of men like women, workers, and the degraded descendants of the higher class, Vyasadeva made a fifth Veda, known as Mahabharata, or the great history of India.
The original Bharata and modern India are not the same. The original Bharata means the whole planet earth. Having been gradually divided, the modern India is only a fractional part of the original Bharata. So the knowledge is distributed in so many departments of Vedic knowledge, but the whole process aims at God realization. more...