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Dear Mary,
My name is Omer Goldman. I am 19 years old. I am one of the Shministim. Thank you for signing the Shministim letter to support me and my friends.
Tell your friends to send a letter to the Israeli Minister of Defense. I am Omer Goldman.
I am one of the Shministim. I need your help.
I first went to prison on September 23 and served 35 days. I am lucky, after 2 times in jail, I got a medical discharge, but I'm the only one. By the time you read this, many of my friends will be in prison too: in for three weeks, out for one, and then back in, over and over, until they are 21. The reason? We refuse to do military service for the Israeli army because of the occupation. more...
BAGHDAD (AFP) — A journalist hurled two shoes at President George W. Bush on his farewell visit to Iraq on Sunday, highlighting hostility still felt toward the outgoing US leader who acknowledged that the war is still not won. more...
Petty Officer *****, You have been selected for recall to active duty for a period of not less than three years; or a period of time which will extend beyond your 55th birthday or 30 years active Federal service whichever is sooner and; You will not be eligible for voluntary release from active duty during the period for which recalled, but may be released from active duty for the convenience of the Government; and while recalled, You will be subject to all provisions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice including discharge from the pursuant thereto and all Navy regulations including those providing for administrative reduction; but any administrative separation from the will be accomplished by releasing you from active duty rather than by discharge, except where other action is directed by Headquarters, Department of the Navy. more...
Real gold drives out corruption and prostitution of money
excerpt from purport, Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.17.40
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
According to Srimad-Bhagavatam, gold encourages falsity, intoxication, prostitution, envy and enmity. Even a gold-standard exchange and currency is bad. Gold-standard currency is based on falsehood because the currency is not on a par with the reserved gold. The basic principle is falsity because currency notes are issued in value beyond that of the actual reserved gold. This artificial inflation of currency by the authorities encourages prostitution of the state economy. The price of commodities becomes artificially inflated because of bad money, or artificial currency notes. Bad money drives away good money. Instead of paper currency, actual gold coins should be used for exchange, and this will stop prostitution of gold. Gold ornaments for women may be allowed by control, not by quality, but by quantity. This will discourage lust, envy and enmity. When there is actual gold currency in the form of coins, the influence of gold in producing falsity, prostitution, etc., will automatically cease. There will be no need of an anticorruption ministry for another term of prostitution and falsity of purpose.
The more you delve into the history of Zionism and Israel, not only does it get more disturbing but it also gets pretty horrifying as well. I think it's safe to say if you look up the word conspiracy in the dictionary you'll probably find an Israeli flag. John F Kennedy, one brave man in American history, one of the few willing to wage war on the Federal Reserve. But more importantly although perhaps one in the same, one of the few willing to stand up to Zionist Israel and their quest for domination of the Middle East and the world. It's been said before, and after the research I did today I will also say, if his life had not been cut short, 911 probably would not have happened. It's also been put forth although just like 911, you won't hear this from MSM, nor will your hear it from pseudo-truth seekers like Alex Jones, but most likely Israel's MOSSAD assassinated JFK. Of course at first this sounds kind of off the wall, so let's go back in history and see what's happening in 1963 prior to November 22. David Ben-Gurion, who ruled Israel from it's shady inception in 1948, was very eager for Israel to be a 'Nuclear Power'. He wrote in a letter to JFK, "Mr. President, my people have a right to exist, and this existence is in danger." In other words we don't need to be more neighborly to the people who's land we stole, we need to be more threatening so they won't come back. Anyway JFK would not cave in to the pressure from Ben-Gurion, or the already powerful Israeli Lobby. This led to a series of heated debates between the 2 leaders which were ignored by the press and have been classified documents ever since. Ben-Gurion resigned in June of '63, but JFK kept his hard line going with his successor Levi Eschkol, as seen in this letter, in which JFK makes it clear that he demands transparency on Israel's now public Nuclear Facility, by having inspectors verify the peaceful nature of Israel's nuclear program. The nature of this exchange is exactly like that of Bush wanting to inspect Iraq, and now Iran's nuclear programs. JFK made it clear that an unsatisfactory solution would jeopardize the US governments commitment to, and support of, Israel.
A source connected to the previously unreleased footage of the collapse of WTC1 and WTC7 which suddenly appeared on internet video-sharing site Veoh.com last weekend has revealed details about the footage to The Corbett Report. more...
In the past 10 days, more than 17,000 people have read the following article about the Israeli Rahm Emanuel, Obama's new chief of staff, but only eight people have responded to my request for donations - two Australians, a Briton, a Canadian, and four Americans. Thus far, my article which reveals the high-level Zionists who control Obama has brought in $268 -- that means that I have gotten a positive response from less than 1/16 of 1 per cent of all readers. No wonder the Israeli who will control the White House is laughing; he must be pleased. He made $18 million in three years in "investment banking" -- after leaving the Clinton White House.
Emanuel, an Israeli who employs gangster tactics, will be the next chief of staff of the executive branch of the U.S. government. You will not get the information in my article from any other journalist. CNN and the other controlled media will not even broach the subject of Emanuel's Israeli roots. In order to understand what the Obama administration will mean for America and the world, however, it is essential to understand the immense Zionist power and money behind Obama. more...
Many health experts including Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Josef Goldstein, heart specialists of U.S.A. & winners of Noble Prize of many million dollars for Medicine) now recommend a diet, free of eggs and meat, for better health and disease-free life. A.R. Bhatnagar (11-02-08)
I am referring to study in ) The Journal of Clinical Pathology (USA--July 2001) wherein it has been published that veggies have helthy hearts.Many health - experts (including Dr. Michael Brown and Dr. Josef Goldstein, heart specialists of U.S.A. & winners of Noble Prize of many million dollars for Medicine) now recommend a diet, free of eggs and meat, for better health and disease-free life. The basis of their finding is:
additional articles on the human diet:
AN ALARMING SPEECH by Barack Obama took place on March 12 2008 in which Obama outlined his plan to “safeguard America’s security.” Obama’s speech, titled, Obama’s National Security Speech, was given in Chicago in the presence of a group of retired US admirals & generals who came forth to “endorse” Obama.
In outlining a program for ’safeguarding America’s security,’ Obama set forth a frightening venue for a Brave New ObamAmerica:
“We have yet to finish the fight against Al Qaeda. We cannot tolerate any safe-haven for terrorists who threaten America. We must use all elements of national power to combat the threats of the 21st century.
We must increase our capacity to put boots on the ground. *We need to give our civilian agencies the ability to operate alongside our military.* Yes - *we must inspire a new generation of Americans to serve in a civilian capacity.* View Entire Story Here & Here.
Obama has specifically called for a paramilitary “civilian national security force” made up of American youth “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as the US military… full story...
The number of people detained was a measure of success for a unit, Simpson explained. “People’s mothers would be grabbing me, asking me why I was taking their child away, and I never had an answer. It’s terrible to push an elderly Iraqi woman away so you can take her child and load her into your Stryker vehicle, when you don’t even believe they belong there.” more...
Israel seems to exist quite well. Her people have a very high living standard compared to the rest of the world. Israel has the most sophisticated armed forces in the Middle East, if indeed not the world. According to one of our former presidents, Israel is said to possess several hundred nuclear weapons and if we are to believe some of the things said by Israel’s leaders in recent years she is ready to destroy mankind if her leaders choose to do so. more...
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.1.38
Los Angeles, June 4, 1976
Pradyumna: Translation: "The blessed messengers of Lord Visnu, the Visnudutas, said: If you are actually servants of Yamaraja, you must explain to us the meaning of religious principles and the symptoms of irreligion."
sri visnuduta ucuh
yuyam vai dharma-rajasya
yadi nirdesa-karinah
bruta dharmasya nas tattvam
yac cadharmasya laksanam
They challenged, the Yamadutas challenged: "Who are you, interfering in our business? We have come to arrest him." So, before talking, the, the counterchallenge was that "You spoke that 'We are servants of Dharmaraja. So it is his jurisdiction... This person is impious. So this is the jurisdiction of Dharmaraja. He has to try the case and give him punishment, criminal department, law and order. So, you cannot interfere with us.' " Therefore the challenge is replied by Visnudutas that "If you are actually representative of Dharmaraja, who tries the case of dharma and adharma, first of all explain what is dharma and what is adharma."
This is very nice challenge. Suppose if somebody, if you say that "We are Krsna conscious persons." So one may challenge you, "First of all, explain what do you know about Krsna?" That is quite natural. If you do not know about Krsna, you have no right to say that "I belong to the Krsna consciousness movement." You have not right to say. So your position is like that, simply if you have a tilaka and a kanthi, that does not mean that you belong to the Krsna consciousness movement. Any cheater can do that. You must know the philosophy. If one challenges, you must reply. Therefore Bhaktivinoda Thakura has sung a song indicating these cheaters. He says, ei oto ek kalir cela(?). "Here is a servant of Kali." What kind of cela? Na te tilal golai mala (?). "He has got a tilaka and golai mala, bas, that's all." He does not know what is the philosophy. If you do not know the philosophy of Krsna consciousness, if you simply mark your body with tilaka and kanthi, then you are not proper servant, you are not qualified. So tilaka, mala, is necessary. Just like a policeman. A bogus man, if he dresses like a policeman, he is not a policeman. He must know what is the police law, criminal law, who is to be punished, who is not to be punished, what is criminality, what is innocence. All these things he must know.
So here is a very good challenge, that "You are talking that you are the servant of Dharmaraja. I know Dharmaraja." It is not that... Because they must know. They are coming from Lord Visnu, and they know that everyone is servant of Krsna. Ekale isvara krsna, ara saba bhrtya, yaiche nacaya, se taiche kare nrtya, in Caitanya-caritamrta. The master is one, Krsna or God. There cannot be two masters. That is not possible. Or two Gods. You cannot say, "In our faith, God is like this." That is nonsense. God is one. You cannot say, "In our country, gold is like this." No. Gold is everywhere the same. Either in your country or my country, it doesn't matter. Gold is gold everywhere. You cannot say "Christian gold," "Muslim gold," and "Hindu gold." No. Similarly, you cannot say "Hindu God," "Muslim God," "Christian God." No. God is one. Otherwise, there is no God. The definition of God is eka brahma dvitiya nasti. There cannot be any competitor of God. Just like nowadays so many rascals are coming, presenting, "I am God." What kind of God you are? You must check before accepting one rascal as God, what is God.
The description of God is there in the sastra: yasyaika-nisvasita kalam athavalambya jivanti loma-vilaja jagad-anda-nathah. That is God. By His breathing, millions of universes are coming with exhaling. And when He's inhaling, billions of universes are going within. Can you show like that? That is also not original God. That is plenary expansion of God. Yasyaika-nisvasita-kalam athavalambya jivanti loma-vilaja jagad-anda-nathah visnur mahan sa iha yasya kala-visesa. This transaction is going on in the body of Maha-Visnu. The material world is being created and annihilated. When there is exhaling, the universes are coming into existence; when there is inhaling, it is all finished. This material world is like that. It is not permanent. Everyone got such experience. Your body, it has a beginning at a certain date from your father and mother. It stays for some time, it develops, it gives some by-products, then it becomes old and you finish. This is material body. Everybody knows it. Similarly, the whole cosmic manifestation, what you are seeing, so big things--it may be very big thing, but the process is the same. Either you take the body of an ant or you take the body of Brahmaji or... The process, the same rules and regulations. Janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi. There is no change. So that is God. God is producing by His exhaling, inhaling, so many universes. Why should you take such a cheap God? As soon as the God has got some toothache, he goes to the dentist. And he's God! Don't take such cheap Gods. We don't take them. At least, we Krsna conscious persons. Just to accept Krsna as God...
Arjuna, he knew that Krsna is God. Therefore he requested Krsna, "My dear Krsna, can You show me Your form how You are universally working?" And He showed His universal form, how it is working, that is described in the Eleventh Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita. Why? Arjuna knew from the very beginning that "Krsna is the Supreme Lord; I am His servant." But either by Krsna's yoga-maya or Arjuna's humility, he played that "My family is more important than Your service." He played like that. At last, he agreed that karisye vacanam tava. So, Krsna and Arjuna, they're teaching us by playing, because Krsna can play with His devotee, not with others. Most confidential devotee. What He wants to teach. So Arjuna presented himself as ordinary human being. He's not ordinary human being; he's personal friend of Krsna. He cannot be bewildered, but he played the part of ordinary being, that "I have got attachment with my family. Why shall I kill them by Your order, and what is this, what is that?" so many, you know. Bhagavad-gita, there are questions and answers. And at last, Krsna said that "Give up this foolishness. Surrender unto Me." So he agreed, Arjuna. That is perfection. That is perfection.
So here the same thing. Krsna said... Krsna described what is the meaning of dharma. Here the question is that "If you are servant of Dharmaraja, then explain what is dharma and adharma." Dharma means religiosity, and adharma means nonreligiosity. What is adharma? Everything is... Because this world is duality. If there is black, there is white. If there is good, there is bad. If there is father, there is son. Otherwise, there is no meaning of son, eh, father. "I am father, bachelor daddy." No. If you are father, you must have a son. If you are a son, then you must have a father. If the son says, "I dropped from the sky," how it is possible? These rascals say it that there is no creator. How is that there is no creator? First of all, prove that you have no creator. Your father has created. How you can say there is no creator? Silent. The rascal is silent. You are talking of "There is no creator," but you, yourself, you were created by your father. So these rascals are talking foolishly and other foolish persons are accepting them. But we are not so intelligent. Our answer is that "You say there is no creator. How you are created?" It may be we are rascals also, but this is our simple questions.
This morning I was asking that why there is Sunday first and Monday second? Who can answer? Is there anyone in this meeting who can answer my, this simple question? Why, all over the world, the, everyone accepts Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sambar, Mangalbar, Bhurbar, the same thing? There may be different language. And Saturday is last. Why this arrangement? Who can answer? Is there anyone? I've asked this simple question to so many. Even Svarupa Damodara, our doctor Ph.D., he has not yet answered. And I've asked this question to Dr. Wolfe also. He's not present here?
Devotee: "Someone has an answer."
Prabhupada: You have got answer?
Caitanya-simha: Because Sunday is God's day. Sunday is Krsna's day.
Prabhupada: That is your sentiment. Speak scientifically. Nowadays, the scientific days, you have to speak scientifically.
Devotee: The order of the planets.
Prabhupada: Yes, that is the answer. Anyway, he has got the right to ask that "You are representing Dharmaraja. First of all, explain what is dharma. Then we shall understand that you are representative or order-carrier or servant of Dharmaraja." That will be explained.
So here, in the Bhagavad-gita, we also can understand what is dharma. This is the question and answers between Yamadutas. But if you are serious student of Bhagavad-gita, we can understand what is dharma. Krsna says in the beginning of the Bhagavad-gita, yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata, abhyutthanam adharmasya. Just like this world is duality. If you are sick, that means you are not healthy. And if you are healthy, then you are not sick. Duality. There are two things, sickness and health. So if you are really religious, you are not religious(?). Nonreligious; not nonreligious. Two negatives make one positive. So two things are there. Religiosity and nonreligiosity. So duality. So Krsna says two things that yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata. When there are discrepancies in the matter of executing religious principles... So there is religion. Yada yada hi dharmasya glanir. Glanir means discrepancies. When there is discrepancies of religious principles and abhyutthanam adharmasya, and the society is prominent in doing sinful activities, abhyutthanam... If you are not religious, then you must be irreligious. Two things are there. If there is no light, it is darkness. If it is not darkness, it is light. Similarly, two things cannot go. Either you are a demon or you are Krsna conscious, godly. This is the conclusion. Dvau bhuta-sargau loke ('smin) daiva asura eva ca. There are two kinds of men in this world. Not only in this world, throughout the whole universe. Two kinds. No third. What is that? Daiva asura eva ca. One is godly, another is demon. So what is the difference? Visnu bhakto bhaved daiva. Those who are devotees of the Supreme Lord, they are called demigods, or godly. Asuras tad-viparyayah. And those who are opposite number, they are demons.
So we have got two tests. One test is sufficient. If one is not devotee, if one is not Krsna conscious, he's a demon, has finished our conclusion. We simply ask whether you are Krsna conscious, whether you know Krsna. If he says, "No, I don't know..." I think our Syamasundara's daughter is... She used to preach. She used to go to any elderly person when she was four years old. "Do you know Krsna?" she said. So he says, "No, I don't know." "Oh, the Supreme Personality of Godhead." This is preaching. Finish, preaching. A child can preach. A child can understand, "Do you know God?" "No." "You are a demon." (laughter) Finished. Where is the difficulty? As soon as you say "I do not know God," you are a demon. Bas. First-class demon. "I am scientist." "You are rascal." "No, I have studied, I have got my degrees." "Mayayapahrta-jnana. (laughter) Rascal, you have studied so long, simply waste of time. Your real knowledge is taken away because you do not know God." That is described. We have got very simple test in Krsna consciousness movement how to distinguish between an intelligent man a rascal. As soon as we understand that he's not Krsna conscious, he's a rascal. Bas. There is no need of testing. Even though he's M.A., Ph.D, D.H.C. and so on, so on, still we shall call him a rascal. This is open challenge; it is not secret. How? Canakya Pandita has said, tyaja durjana-samsargam vidyaya 'pi alankrto san. He very nicely says that rascals and fools, must give up their company. Tyaja durjana-samsargam. "No, I have got many friends, they are university educated." But he says, vidyayalankrto 'pi san. Even they are with degrees of M.A. Ph.D., tyaja durjana samsargam vidyayalankrto 'pi san. Even he is educated, so-called educated, he's not educated. Anyone who does not know God, he's not educated, he's a rascal. This is our conclusion. Not our conclusions, this is sastra's conclusion. So "He has got so many degrees and he's rascal and he's durjana, a bad man?" "Yes." "Why?" Now manina bhusitah sarpah kim asau na bhayankarah. Suppose a serpent, he has got a gem on his head. Is it not fearful? Very good example. Suppose a snake comes here and he, it has a jewel on the head. So you'll be all safe? (laughter) No. He's dangerous.
So that is going on. So-called educated scientist, degrees, what they're doing? Atom bomb, kill men. This is their scientific discovery: that you can kill a man with a knife, one man or two men; now we have got scientific discovery, millions of men in a moment. Come on, discovery. So why don't you discover something that millions of hospitals, diseased men can be brought into life again? That we cannot do. Kill, killing, killing is going on. What you have discovered? So this is their scientific... Discover something and declare that there is no more death. Here is medicine. Then that is scientific discovery. What is this nonsense? People are dying, and you have discovered something to facilitate death? Is that discovery? Therefore they are this snake with jewel. That's all. They're not gentlemen even. A gentlemen thinks that "I shall kill so many persons by dropping one atom bomb. I have discovered such nonsense thing"? And they are going on as scientist. So be careful. They are like snakes with jewel on the head. That's all. So they do not know.
So here we must know what is dharma and what is adharma. Simply rubberstamp, "I am Christian," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am this...," like the tilaka and mala. No. You must know the science. And Caitanya Mahaprabhu recommends, ye krsna-tattva-vetta sei 'guru' haya. Any person who knows about Krsna perfectly well, he is guru. That's all. He is guru. So we have to learn this science, what is dharma, what is religion, what is irreligion, what is God. That is human life. Simply talking all nonsense, "There is no God and there is no creation," don't waste your time. Don't waste your time. The human life is very, very valuable. This is the time. In cat's and dog's life... We cannot invite the cats and dogs in this temple and take this lesson on Bhagavata and Bhagavad-gita. We invite human beings. We invite human beings because there is chance. Athato brahma-jijnasa. A human being can understand what is God, what I am, what is my relationship with God. And if we act according to that, our life is successful. Simply denying God and manufacturing atom bomb and killing, is that civilization? No.
Thank you very much. (end)
When Will America wake up from her slumber?
Israel is destroying America financially
By Khalid Amayreh
When future Historians look into the factors that ultimately brought down the American empire, one of the main factors they will feature prominently is the “Israeli factor.”
It is well known that Israel, through the numerous Zionist lobbies and pressure groups, more or less controls America’s politics, media and financial institutions.
I am not going to provide statistical data showing the extent to which nearly every aspect of American life is infiltrated and penetrated by Zionism. Such data are readily available for those seeking the truth about Zionist dominance in America. more...
The thoughts and deeds of those who think they are superior to others and consider others as second-class and inferior; who intend to remain out of the divine circle, to be the absolute slaves of their materialistic and selfish desires, who intend to expand their aggressive and domineering natures, constitute the roots of today's problems in human societies. Continue
Nowadays, we find yoga being taught in numerous courses and touted in mass-market books as a means to achieve health, lose weight, develop mental powers over others, achieve success in making money, or increase sexual potency. But real yoga is something entirely different. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
All glories to the sankirtana movement. Param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, when He was only a sixteen-year-old boy, introduced this sankirtana movement five hundred years ago in Navadvipa, India. It was not that He manufactured some religious system, just as nowadays so many religious systems are being manufactured. Actually, religion cannot be manufactured. Dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam. Religion means the codes of God, the laws of God, that's all. Certainly we cannot live without obeying the state laws, and similarly we cannot live without obeying the laws of God. And in the Bhagavad-gita (4.7) the Lord says that whenever there are discrepancies in the prosecution of religious activities (yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata) and there is a predominance of irreligious activities (abhyutthanam adharmasya), at that time I (Krsna) appear (tadatmanam srjamy aham). And in the material world we can see the same principle demonstrated, for whenever there is disobedience of state laws, there is the advent of some particular state officer or policeman to "set things right." more...
"Since When Have You Westerners Accepted the Teachings of Christ?"
This exchange between His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and Carol Cameron, then a master's candidate in anthrophology, took place in Perth, Australia, on May 9, 1975.
For example, the animal killing. The Western people mostly call themselves Christians. Now, Lord Jesus Christ said, "Thou shall not kill." But the result, after the passage of two thousand years, is that the people of the Western countries are still killing. So, during all these years, when have they actually accepted Christianity? What is your answer?
Srila Prabhupada: Just consider. The Ten Commandments and then Lord Jesus Christ and his disciples had to tell these people, "Thou shall not kill." So, first of all, what kind of men were they--that Lord Christ had to request them not to kill? That means they were killers.
Suppose somebody's a thief and I give him some good instruction. I say, "You should not commit theft." Of course, that instruction means that as of now, you are a thief. As of now, you are a thief. Otherwise, why should I say, "Thou shalt not commit theft"?
A naughty child is disturbing everyone. So I am forced to say, "My dear child, please don't disturb everyone." Similarly, when Christ said, "Thou shall not kill," that means he was speaking amongst people who were in the habit of killing. Is it not?
So the killing business is going on regularly. Not just in big wars but also in your regular, daily life. You are maintaining big, big slaughterhouses. So, again, since when have you Westerners actually accepted the instructions of Christ? That I want to know. What is that date?
Lord Jesus Christ was killed. Is it not?
Two thousand years have passed, but to date you have not been able to not accept the instruction of Lord Jesus Christ. And you are all claiming that you are Christian. But since when did you accept Christianity? That is my question. Because as far as I can see, you have disobeyed the order of Christ. So, now that two thousand years have passed, when did you accept? Hmm? Who will answer this question?
Srila Prabhupada: You Westerners have no love, because you are accustomed to kill. Philosophy begins when you know that everyone is part and parcel of God, and everyone should be given the full facilities to live, without danger of being injured for anyone else's personal benefit. Panditah sama‑darsinah: A pandita, a true philosopher or learned scholar, sees every living being equally--as a spirit soul, part and parcel of God. So fools and rascals can become philosophers. Those who are learned scholars--thoughtful--they can become philosophers. But if one has no knowledge how to behave with other living entities, what is the meaning of his becoming a philosopher?